教育贷款是低息贷款,必须偿还. Many students take advantage of educational loans in combination with other aid sources and financing strategies to make a 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 education possible. 

Students wishing to include loans as part of their financial aid should complete all application steps prior to the 付款截止日期.




  • 联邦银行
  • 国有银行
  • 机构贷款人
  • 私人银行


  • 在选择要攻读的课程之前,先研究贷款.
  • Exhaust all other options for aid before pursuing loans, and borrow only what you need.
  • Your student loan payments should be only a small percentage of your salary after you graduate.


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We are here if you have questions about the loans offered to you as a result of submitting the FAFSA and CSS Profile (required only for first-time aid applicants), 或者如果你对额外的借款选择有疑问.



联邦贷款的借款人必须是美国公民.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民.

  • 固定利率为5.2023年7月1日或之后发放的贷款的50%(可能会有变化).
  • U.S. 当你在注册学校读书时,联邦政府会提供补贴(支付利息).
  • 你必须每年申请一次(填写一份FAFSA申请),并证明你有经济需要.
  • 澳门金沙线上赌博官网决定您是否符合资格并发起贷款申请.
  • 贷款是1.057%(可能会有变化)发起费, 在每次支付时从贷款中扣除哪一部分.
  • 全日制(至少6小时)本科生.
  • Repayment of principal and interest begins 6 months after you graduate or you are no longer enrolled at least half-time.
  • 你有10年的时间偿还这笔贷款.
  • 此项贷款可与其他联邦教育贷款合并.
  • Students borrowing under the Federal Direct 贷款 program for the first time with 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 are required to complete BOTH the Entrance Counseling, 及网上索取主本票(MPN) http://studentaid.政府.
  • Rates will continue to change annually for new loans made on or after July 1 of each year based on Federal legislation.


  • 固定利率为5.50%(可能会有变化) 本科生 和7.05%(可能会有变动 研究生阶段的学生 2023年7月1日或之后发放的贷款.
  • The loan continues to accrue interest while you are enrolled in school as well as during deferment periods.
  • 你必须每年申请一次(完成FAFSA申请).)
  • 澳门金沙线上赌博官网决定您是否符合资格并发起贷款申请. 
  • 贷款是1.057%(可能会有变化)发起费, 在每次支付时从贷款中扣除哪一部分.
  • 适用于本科生和研究生, enrolled at least half-time (6 hours for Undergraduate; 3 or more hours for Graduate.)
  • Repayment of principal and interest begins 6 months after you graduate or you are no longer enrolled at least half-time.
  • 你有10年的时间偿还这笔贷款.
  • 此项贷款可与其他联邦教育贷款合并.
  • Students borrowing under the Federal Direct Loan program for the first time with 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 are required to complete BOTH Entrance Counseling, 及网上索取主本票(MPN) http://studentaid.政府.
  • Rates will continue to change annually for new loans made on or after July 1 of each year based on Federal legislation.

Independent students who are not eligible for a full subsidized federal loan may borrow their remaining subsidized eligibility under the unsubsidized program.


父母 of dependent undergraduate students borrow the Parent PLUS Loan to help their children pay for college or career school.  利率固定在8英镑.0.05%(可能会有变化),借款人不得拖欠联邦贷款.  贷款是4.228%(可能会有变动)发起费, 在每次支付时从贷款中扣除哪一部分. Creditworthy PLUS loan applicants may borrow any amount up to the total cost of attendance (COA) minus any other financial assistance being received by the student. Repayment of the loan begins sixty days after the loan is fully disbursed; however, parents may defer repayment until six months after their student graduates or is no longer enrolled at least half-time. 父母最多有十年的时间来偿还.

如果你是一个受抚养的学生,其父母没有资格获得直接加贷款, 你可能会收到额外的直接无补贴贷款资金. 


直接GRAD PLUS贷款适用于研究生水平的学生. Although eligibility is not based on financial need or family income, a credit check is required. 利率固定在8英镑.0.05%(可能会有变化),借款人不得拖欠联邦贷款. 贷款是4.228%(可能会有变动)发起费, 在每次支付时从贷款中扣除哪一部分. Creditworthy GRAD PLUS loan applicants may borrow any amount up to the total cost of attendance (COA) minus any other financial assistance being received. Repayment of the loan begins sixty days after the loan is fully disbursed; however, borrowers may defer repayment until six months after they graduate or are no longer enrolled at least half-time. 学生最多有十年的还款期限.




Complete the following requirements online to accept Federal Direct 贷款 (Subsidized, 未受资助的, 或加):

  • 接受你的贷款资格 自助资助服务 (只适用于资助及非资助贷款).
  • 完整的贷款入学辅导(针对首次申请澳门金沙线上赌博官网的借款人)
  • 完整贷款协议/主本票(适用于首次向澳门金沙线上赌博官网贷款的人士)




The 沃尔顿·帕金斯贷款 is a need-based loan program funded by the University and awarded to students demonstrating significant financial need whose parents’ adjusted gross income is greater than $50,1万美元一年. Both student borrower and a parent cosigner must complete the requisite promissory note online annually with ECSI, a third-party loan servicer used by the University to handle billing and other services related to administration of the Walton Loan Program.  利率是固定的5%,在还款时开始累积, 6个月后,该学生不再在澳门金沙线上赌博官网注册,至少有一半的时间. 学生最多有十年的时间偿还沃尔顿·帕金斯贷款,也可以推迟偿还.e. 在研究生或专业学校就读期间推迟付款. 继续获得资格需要完成FAFSA, 证明需要, 令人满意的学业进展, 至少是全日制招生.

大学资助, the 沃尔顿家庭贷款 is available to help meet educational costs for students whose parents' adjusted gross income is $50,000或更多. 资金有限,资格必须由学生金融服务部门确认. Both the student and a parent cosigner must complete an online promissory note each year to secure the loan funding offered. 沃尔顿家庭贷款的固定利率是5%, 学生在澳门金沙线上赌博官网就读期间,可以延期支付本金. 然而,利息必须按月支付. Repayment of the loan principal begins six months after the student leaves 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 or falls below half-time enrollment. 付款期限为10年. 学生最多可以借4美元,000元/年, 不超过出席费用减去其他经济援助, 最多八个学期的本科学习.  An annual credit approval may be required for continued receipt of the 沃尔顿家庭贷款. Continued eligibility requires 令人满意的学业进展 至少是全日制招生.

大学资助, the Walton Parent Loan is available to help meet educational costs for students whose parents' adjusted gross income is $50,000或更多. 资金有限,资格必须由学生金融服务部门确认. The parent borrower must complete an online promissory note each year to secure the loan funding offered. 沃尔顿母公司贷款的利率是固定的5%, 学生在澳门金沙线上赌博官网就读期间,可以延期支付本金. 然而,利息必须按月支付. Repayment of the loan principal begins one month after the student leaves 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 or falls below half-time enrollment. 付款期限为10年. 最多10美元,每年可借1000元, 不超过出席费用减去其他经济援助, 最多八个学期的本科学习.  An annual credit approval may be required for continued receipt of the Walton Parent Loan. Continued eligibility requires that students maintain 令人满意的学业进展 至少是全日制招生.

For detailed information on how to apply for the Walton Perkins and 沃尔顿家庭贷款s,  view the  沃尔顿帕金斯和沃尔顿家庭贷款申请说明PDF.


(Non-Need-Based; confirmation of approval by the lender is required)

私人教育贷款, 也被称为另类教育贷款, help bridge the gap between the actual cost of your education and the limited amount the 政府ernment allows you to borrow through the Federal loan program*. Private loans are offered by private lenders and there are no federal forms to complete.

以下链接是帮助学生选择私人贷款的工具. 榆树选择 provides a lender list and the ability to compare and select the loan that best fits your needs. 可信的 allows students to compare personalized loans from multiple lenders and offers customized pre-qualifications for each borrower with a soft credit pull. 榆树选择和可信的不是贷款机构, 并且只为家庭提供工具,让他们做出明智的私人贷款决定. The links provided are a courtesy ; 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 does not endorse any lender. 借款人可以选择他们所选择的贷款人
